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Home > Project Performance > Food and Pharmaceutical Industry
Jichuan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.
Project Name: The expansion projects of APIs 4 and 5 workshops include the production and installation of steel platforms in reserved areas, and the installation and installation of technological equipment such as reaction tanks. Cleansing room, ventilation air conditioning, steam and steam public pipes, material process pipes, electrical, air conditioning self-control and weak electricity, fire protection facilities, process equipment secondary distribution purification decoration and electromechanical installation package. Oral Liquid One, Oral Liquid Three Workshop Renovation and Purification Project includes the original workshop purification and decoration, water, electricity, Steam(gas), heating and other public engineering systems, the removal, classification, removal, and garbage disposal of production equipment and material process pipelines; The new workshop cleaning room, ventilation air conditioning, steam and steam public pipes, material process pipes, electrical, air conditioning and process control, fire protection facilities, process equipment secondary equipment purification decoration and electromechanical installation package.
Project Location: Taixing City, Jiangsu Province

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