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Wuhu Mayor Ningbo and his delegation visited our company to conduct research and guidance on the Deyi Energy high-performance battery project
News | 2023-4-1 | Views: 151

On March 30th, a delegation led by Vice Secretary of the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Ningbo, Vice Mayors Zhang Dong and Cai Yi, Vice Secretary of the Yijiang District Party Committee and District Mayor Wang Min, arrived at the construction site of the Deyi Energy New High Performance Battery Project undertaken by our company to comprehensively listen to and understand the project construction situation. Our project team participated in on-site research.

Mayor Ningbo pointed out that the new energy and intelligent connected vehicle industries are the top industries in Wuhu and the most important factors determining the future development of Wuhu. All carrier units and relevant departments should strengthen their confidence in development, assist leading enterprises such as Chery to become bigger and stronger, fully rely on Chery's strong research and development platform and innovation capabilities, and enhance the agglomeration effect and industrial scale through "cross-border integration".

The research conducted by leaders at the city and district levels highlights the high level of importance attached to project construction. Our company and all colleagues in the Deyi project department will devote themselves wholeheartedly to the project construction with a high sense of responsibility and professional technical ability, strictly controlling safety, progress, and quality, and making every effort to create safety engineering and high-quality engineering, and fully delivering satisfactory engineering "answers".

At present, the project is under intense construction.

(Source of Materials | Published in Wuhu)


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