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The 2023 annual marketing target signing ceremony was successfully held
News | 2023-2-18 | Views: 158

On the afternoon of February 17, 2023, the company held a signing ceremony for the 2023 annual marketing indicators. Senior leaders of the company, marketing center, cooperation center, and leaders of each branch/subsidiary attended and witnessed the signing of the contract.

At the meeting, based on the company's development strategic planning and goals, combined with the current economic and social environment, industry development trends, and other situations, the overall marketing indicators for the company in 2023 and the annual marketing indicators for each marketing layer were explained, with a focus on proposing relevant requirements for the marketing work in 2023. Subsequently, General Manager Huang Xiangjiong signed the "Annual Marketing Task Responsibility Letter" with the marketing center, and signed the "Annual Operation Contract Agreement" with various subsidiary companies, clarifying the annual operation and management indicators and other tasks.

The meeting pointed out that the signing is not only about goals, but also about responsibilities. Each marketing layer should work together around the goal, overcome cognitive and communication barriers in each link, take customer needs as the mission, and use customer satisfaction as the evaluation standard to measure work quality.

The goal is not only pressure, but also motivation. The development of the times and industries will inevitably lead to waves of sand and mud. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, we must be brave enough to seize market opportunities and respond quickly, establish a "result oriented" awareness, make precise efforts, deeply cultivate customer groups, and comprehensively create a new situation for marketing work in 2023.

(Source of Materials| Comprehensive Office)


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