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The selection results of the 7th Jiangsu installation industry BIM Technology Innovation Competition were announced
News | 2022-8-5 | Views: 577
Recently, Jiangsu installation industry association released the selection results of the seventh BIM Technology Innovation Competition.

After the recommendation of the member units, the preliminary review of the association, the technical evaluation of the professional BIM expert group, the review of the evaluation committee, and the publicity of the association's website, 101 winning works were finally selected. Among them, 24 works are evaluated as the first prize, 38 Works are evaluated as the second prize, and 39 works are evaluated as the third prize.

The "Wuxi Hequan pharmaceutical new drug preparation development service and preparation production project (phase II) BIM Technology Application" completed by shaojianshu, Fu Jialei, liaoyufang, Zhang Heng and other team members won the third prize. This time, our company participated in the second competition and won the prize.

(source: Jiangsu installation industry association)


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