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Xinda Party branch condolences to the front-line staff of community epidemic prevention
News | 2022-3-28 | Views: 542
Recently, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim, and the community bears the grass-roots control responsibility of epidemic prevention and control. In order to protect the health and safety of the people, community workers stick to the front line of epidemic prevention and control day and night, work hard day and night, and bear great pressure and responsibility for prevention and control.

here is no lover in the epidemic, and care and condolences show the truth. On March 28, under the unified call and organization of the R & D Alliance for Party building, Xinda Party branch actively participated in the donation and concentrated on the purchase of common materials for epidemic prevention such as protective articles, nutritional and health products and portable food, expressed condolences and heartfelt thanks to Xiyuan Community Workers, medical staff and volunteers who stick to their posts on the "epidemic" line, and highly praised their professionalism of fighting day and night and being brave and "retrograde", At the same time, they were instructed to pay attention to protecting their own safety, strengthening self-protection and paying attention to the combination of work and rest.

As a local enterprise in the park, community epidemic prevention personnel feel the care and warmth of the party building alliance through warm-hearted actions, and make modest contributions to epidemic prevention and control.

Contributed by Xinda Party branch


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