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Our company won the provincial and Municipal Industry Association award again
News | 2022-1-13 | Views: 442

It was learned from Jiangsu installation industry association that the evaluation results of "top 100 installation enterprises", "brand entrepreneurs" and "star builders" in Jiangsu installation industry in 2021 were announced: our company was once again awarded the honorary title of "top 100 installation enterprises" in Jiangsu installation industry in 2021! Yang Dongqiang, chairman and general manager, won the honorary title of "silver entrepreneur" in Jiangsu installation industry in 2021! Wei Caigen and Wang Shuangwei won the honorary title of "four-star constructor" in Jiangsu installation industry in 2021 respectively!

In addition, we learned from Wuxi installation industry association that our company has won the honorary title of "excellent enterprise" in Wuxi installation industry in 2021 again!

(contributed by general office)


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