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The first quarter production management work meeting held smoothly
News | 2021-5-7 | Views: 684

On April 30, the first quarter production management meeting of the 2021 was held. Company middle and senior cadres, branch managers and all project managers, the meeting around the first quarter of the project implementation and functional management of the summary, and the second quarter of the main work arrangements. At the meeting, the project manager on behalf of the project from the first quarter of the project production situation and the second quarter of the project production plan for the two main aspects of the report, and combined with project characteristics to summarize, share project management experience, analyze the deficiencies in management, project management issues to promote the simultaneous improvement of project delivery capability and quality management capability. At the same time, the heads of functional departments to report on the first quarter of the work, focusing on the management of functional management plate management effectiveness and problems, and the second quarter of the main work arrangements. After listening to all departments'work reports, senior leaders of the company make comments, inquire about the work from time to time, and put forward specific requirements. General Manager Yang Dongqiang, after listening to the report in an all-round way, put forward the following requirements: First, find gaps in the report and improve in learning from each other; between each project department and each functional department, jump out of the department for Horizontal Comparison, only in the comparison can we find the gap, the understanding gap and the analysis gap, in the mutual learning promotion. Second, we must change the way of management and learn to quantify the work; we must eliminate the randomness and ambiguity in the work, change the traditional way of management, learn and be good at quantifying the work indicators, speak with data, and present the work more intuitively, overall improvement of work efficiency. Third, we must dare to expose the problem, face the problem squarely and solve it actively. The production management meeting is not only the summary of the first quarter project production management work, but also the deployment of the second quarter production management work.



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