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Celebrating the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
News | 2020-7-3 | Views: 614

----The opening ceremony and induction ceremony of new staff post training in 2020 was held smoothly

At 13:30 p.m. on July 1, when the whole country warmly celebrated the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the company held a pre job training opening ceremony and entry ceremony for new employees. General manager Yang Dongqiang, deputy general manager of production Wei Caigen, deputy general manager of Commerce Cao Yutang, managers of various functional departments and branch managers attended the opening ceremony, which was presided over by Zhou Yuncheng, assistant general manager and director of comprehensive office.

At the opening ceremony, the participants watched the company's propaganda film to fully understand the company's development process and future development direction; general manager Yang Dongqiang gave a welcome speech to welcome new employees to join Xinda family! He introduced the company's general situation, recent development goals, business scope, management team, company vision and long-term development plan, and put forward three requirements for new employees: first, cherish grass-roots training opportunities and accumulate experience; second, calm down to systematically learn professional knowledge; third, more consultation and more summary, in order to grow fast.

Then, Cao Yutang, vice president of Commerce, introduced the organizational structure and functions of the company to help new employees understand the management structure and functions of the company; Zhou Yuncheng, assistant to the general manager, introduced the members of the middle and high-level management team to the new employees one by one, and 17 new employees from five provinces introduced themselves to enhance mutual understanding and understanding, so as to facilitate new employees to quickly integrate into the team.

Zhou Yuncheng, assistant to the general manager, introduced the pre job training arrangements for new employees, covering the company's rules and regulations, career guidance, professional basic knowledge, operation skills, project management, work exchange, project field investigation, and professional guidance teachers' meeting, which lasted for eight days.

Wei Caigen, vice president of production and manager of Engineering Center, put forward requirements for pre job training of new employees. He asked all new employees to bear in mind the requirements of "bold and careful, brave to take responsibility, strict with oneself and self-confidence" put forward by President Yang, and put them into practice. During the training period, they should listen carefully and record carefully, learn to learn from others' experience to improve themselves and avoid detours.

Finally, the company issued a call to all the new employees: let go of the pride of heaven's pride, abandon the impetuousness of high vision and low hand, dare to go out bravely and work hard, integrate personal pursuit into the long-term development of the company, and firmly believe that all persistence and efforts will surely bring about colorful flowers!

After the opening ceremony, Yang Dongqiang, general manager and Secretary of the Party branch, gave the first lesson to the new employees. Based on his more than 20 years' experience in the industry, Yang Dongqiang gave a comprehensive and detailed exposition on the theme of "recognizing the industry, aiming at the goal and tempering the will to grow in an all-round way".

(contributed by general office)


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