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Company News | First Quarter Business Management Meeting held successfully
News | 2020-4-21 | Views: 620

April 19, the first quarter of 2020 business management working meeting held. Company middle and high-level cadres, branch managers and all project managers, the meeting around the first quarter marketing, project implementation and functional management summary, and the second quarter of the main work arrangements.

(1)Marketing work

Marketing Center manager Yang Zhuobin summarized the marketing work in the first quarter and reported the main marketing work in the second quarter from the winning project, project record and tracking situation. General Manager Yang Dongqiang from the annual marketing indicators, market development, marketing team building and performance appraisal, and other aspects of the deployment of the 2020 marketing work, and put forward specific requirements.

(2)Project production

The 15 projects under construction were reported from the first quarter project production situation and the second quarter project production plan, and combined with project characteristics to sum up, share project management experience, analysis of project management deficiencies. At the same time, the problems encountered in the production process of the project are discussed, the specific requirements of project management and functional management are perfected and standardized, and the level of project management is comprehensively promoted. At the meeting, the project type, duration and unique characteristics of the project are analyzed, and the management level and professional technology level of different types of projects are summarized and promoted.

(3)Functional Management

The Ministry of Commerce and expenditure, the Ministry of recruiting, the Ministry of Technology and quality, the Ministry of Management and administration and the Ministry of security respectively carried out a summary of the functional management work in the first quarter, and carried out an analysis in the light of the main existing problems, and to promote the project closure, settlement, project process management and control requirements. General Manager Yang Dongqiang, vice-president of production Wei Caigen, vice-president of Commerce Cao Yutang, according to functional reports, respectively, comments, and put forward the management requirements of each functional area work.

(4)Functional Management

General Manager Assistant and General Office Director Zhou Yuncheng on the company's routine briefing system, and on the first quarter of the company's management and management of major issues from the director of leadership responsibility, department responsibility and management failures outlined. The vice-president of production, Wei Caigen, explains the project performance appraisal system mainly from the aspects of the content of the project award, the implementation of the appraisal, and the distribution of the award, and clarifies the content of the performance appraisal, the functional departments and the project department are required to fully and correctly understand the requirements of performance appraisal, to smoothly promote the implementation of performance appraisal, and to play an active role in promoting the project management ability and motivating the project team. The management meeting is not only a comprehensive summary of the work of the first quarter, but also the arrangement and deployment of the work of the second quarter. The meeting requests all levels of management cadres to understand the spirit of the meeting, earnestly implement the post responsibility system, a comprehensive analysis and summary of the problems encountered in the work, according to the requirements of gaps, catch up with the implementation, work to do a solid, detailed; To understand the current situation and corporate management pressure, study more, more exchanges and interaction, in the summary to enhance the ability. 

(Integrated Office, contributed reporting)


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