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Company News丨Give full play to the technical advantages of the industry to help prevent and control the epidemic situation
News | 2020-3-26 | Views: 626

Epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility. Since the new coronavirus attacks the world, the mask becomes the national and even the global shortage protection material. Xinda construction has long been committed to clean electronics, food and pharmaceutical, experimental medical and health and other scientific and technological fields of engineering construction, has undertaken different types, different sizes, different levels of purification of industrial plant purification systems and scientific research laboratories. In order to fulfill the social responsibility and carry out the mission of the industry, the company quickly responds to the country's call and organizes the core technical team of the company to participate in the construction of projects in the related fields of epidemic prevention and control. Recently, from the Marketing Center learned that the company successfully bid for a company in Jiangsu 100,000 clean face mask workshop project. It is understood that the project implementation team has been put into the battle to overcome various difficulties and work overtime to win precious time for early start-up. The project will produce 100,000 respirators per day and 300,000 respirators per month, which will effectively alleviate the shortage of respirators and provide strong support for winning the prevention and control of the epidemic. Although not in the "epidemic" front line, but for the "epidemic" power, Xinda will not be absent, give full play to the technical advantages of the industry, actively contribute to the fight against the epidemic!

(marketing center, contributor)


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