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Branch News 丨 Xinda Party Branch goes to Jiaxing Nanhu to carry out theme education activities
News | 2019-9-25 | Views: 712

In order to inherit and carry forward the party's fine traditions and enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of all party members, on September 24, all party members, development targets and activists of the Party branch of Xinda Party, led by branch secretary Yang Dongqiang, went to Jiaxing to visit Eleven Technologies The Jiaxing Party Construction Center, the Communist Party's "One Large" memorial ship and the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, reviewed the glorious history of the party, and received collective education in the history of the party and revolution.
Party building work and study--Visit Eleven Technology Jiaxing Party Building Center
Under the leadership of Chairman Yang Xueliang of the 11th Jiaxing Branch of the 11th Technology, all party members visited the 11th Jiaxing Party Construction Center of the 11th Technology and watched a video lecture on the theme of education organized by the vice president Xu Lianlin of Jiaxing Nanhu Cadre College. The Party Branch of Jiaxing Branch of Science and Technology exchanged ideas, explored a new model of party building work, and learned the valuable experience of 11th science and technology in party building work.
Pursuing Red Memory-Visit the "One Large" Memorial Ship
The Nanhu Red Boat is the place where the Communist Party of China dreams to sail and is the root of the Party. The spirit of the Red Boat "sailing, condensing and sublimating" on the "Red Boat" condenses the Party's original heart and carries the Party's mission. All party members paid tribute to the Red Lake in Nanhu where a "big one" was held. The red boat is like a monument, standing forever on the shore of the South Lake; the red boat is a spirit, and it will always be engraved in the hearts of all party members.
Reviewing the history of the party-visit the Revolutionary Memorial
All party members visited the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall with great respect. At the magnificent Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, every picture, chart, piece of material, and video, everyone listened carefully to the commentator ’s explanations, took a closer look at the relevant historical materials such as books and photos, and revisited the Communist Party's leadership of the country History of revolutionary wars and construction struggles of people of all ethnic groups.
From intuitive feelings to inner feelings, from theory to practice, from history to the future, immersive reality party lessons have shocked the minds of party members, baptized their minds, and purified their souls.
Receive party education-revisit the party oath
Under the oath of branch secretary Yang Dongqiang, all party members of Xinda Party Branch made a solemn oath. The purpose of revisiting the party vows is to keep comrades in the party from forgetting their original intentions, keeping in mind the mission, strictly demanding themselves with high standards, influencing and motivating more colleagues with the spirit of hard work and courage to carry heavy burdens, and actively participate in all aspects of the company's development. Going to work.
Through this theme education activity, all party members gathered to review the party's history, learned the "spirit of the Red Boat" deeply, felt the party's frustrating years, discovered the value of party members, and clarified their mission and responsibilities. Everyone said that the spirit of the Red Boat embodies the spirit of party building. We must not forget our original intention, keep in mind the mission, vigorously carry forward the Red Boat spirit, and continuously draw on the strength of the forward, and play a vanguard role and lead role in the work around the company's development and job reality. To promote the steady and rapid development of the company with practical actions.

(Contributed by Xinda Branch)


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